This is our Coronavirus kit. It comprises mask and visor. The filter is a 3M filter from an air purifier with quality FFP2. It can filter dust, viruses like COVID-19 but not asbest. The mask comes in 3 sizes: S, M and L.
We deliver it as a kit that can be assembled in about 20 minutes:
The kit comes with assembly instructions and 3 sugus to reward you at each important step of the assembly.
When receiving the kit, you should clean the plastic parts with soap and water.
All needed parts are in the kit and there is an additional filter and a transparent sheet included as spare parts.
To wear the mask for a long time, we glue a foam on it obtained from insulation for windows.
We can print the MK2 kit in 2 hours and 40 minutes on our Prusa i3 MK3S which is currently running day and night.
If you would like to build our kit yourself, the visor of the kit is by lafactoria3d. This is their page on thingiverse.
We experimented with several face shields including the ones from Prusa. They all were a bit heavy and bulky to wear and long to print. In the end we chose the visor by Alexander Geht available here on thingiverse.
As our shield which is a transparent sheet for laser copy machines slips through it, we make holes in the sheet and bind them to the visor with cable ties.